Cosmetic Procedures: Why You Should Only Trust Board-Certified Dermatologist or Cosmetic Surgeon

Written by: Dr. Briana Brown, DO, FAAD (Master Cosmetic Dermatologist)

Botox, filler, microneedling, lasers, and everything in between – these are wonderful treatments in anti-aging – but should only be performed by or under the direct supervision of trusted board-certified cosmetic doctors.  Botox and lip injections are only as good as the person holding the syringe.

While most products like neurotoxins such as “Botox” and fillers require a medical license to purchase, they do not require a medical license to inject in some states.  Many medical spas may have a “managing doctor” to allow them to purchase product, but they could be ten miles or ten states away depending on local laws.  Also, dentists have access to purchase these products as well.  So who ends up injecting or treating patients?  Usually nurse injectors and even sometimes aestheticians.  While these hard-working nurses and aestheticians may have their heart in the right place, no weekend course or “on the job” training can compensate for 12 years of medical training, residency, and rigorous national board-certification testing. 

If you are considering seeing a non-provider, maybe you should think again.  Although many non-physicians, nurse injectors, and aestheticians can try to make a patient feel comfortable by stating “they have experience” and have “attended courses” – there are no nationalized courses is cosmetic injectables, lasers, or procedures that are more than a mere week or two at best.  Most are 1-3 days.  And guess what, there is no test at the end to make sure the non-physician has appropriate skills.

Another scenario to consider is managing complications.  In the hands of a board-certified physician, complications can be significantly minimized but occasionally they do occur.  For example, if a patient is prone to cold sores, a lip injection may cause a flare of a cold sore.  If they are injected by a non-physician, who is going to call in the prescription for treatment? 

Additionally, although extremely rare, when unskilled medispa associates are injecting filler, they can accidentally hit a vessel and cause necrosis (tissue death) or even blindness!  Board-certified dermatologist and plastic surgeons spend 12+ years learning facial musculature, nerves, vessels, and overall anatomy to minimize this risk. 

Did you know part of dermatology residency training is learning the physics behind lasers?  Many lasers can safely remove hair, dark spots, boost collagen, treat spider veins, and much more.  Most lasers have standard “cook book” settings that non-physicians follow.  While these are probably okay for most people, dermatologists know the physics and functioning behind the lasers to adjust the to your particular skin.  This means superior results and safer treatment. 

Why is board-certification so important?  Another huge red flag is a physician that is not “cosmetic” performing “cosmetic procedures”.  When a physician is board-certified in dermatology or cosmetic surgery you KNOW they have completed well over a decade of standardized training and have passed national level board exams that are very demanding.  They will be equipped with the knowledge and experience to give you the best possible results, minimal side effects, and treat complications.

If you are considering seeing a physician for your next treatment, you can check on the following website to ensure they are board-certified:

Below are the results for our very own Dr. Briana Brown!  She would love to meet you today for a free consultation!

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