SV Glow Facial


Most frequently asked questions and answers regarding SV Glow Facial

The SV Glow Facial is a series of skincare treatments performed by our trained professionals. This involves cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, massage, masks, and moisturization tailored to individual skin types and concerns. The SV Glow Facial aims to improve skin health, address specific skin issues, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. 

The SV Glow facial treatment involves the use of a facial device that contains different handpieces. The first head is used to exfoliate the skin using natural ingredients and oxygen-rich bubbles through the skin, while the second head delivers active serums directly into the dermis. Extensive lymphatic massage also performed.  The combination of these treatments helps to stimulate cell renewal and nourish the skin, resulting in improved texture and an overall healthier complexion. The treatment typically takes about 30 minutes and requires no downtime.

Consists of the level 1 facial with extractions added on and 10 min of nourishing LED light.

Consists of the level 2 facial with the addition of a superficial glycolic peel and cryotherapy.

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For a Platinum Membership (699.99 per year) or a Black Diamond Membership ($1199.00 per year), you will benefit from an amazing array of services and products at a discounted price performed by Board-Certified Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants.

Related Services


Chemical Peels

Can improve the skin’s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it slightly red and dry. Over the course of the next few days, your skin will gently peel off, leaving rejuvenated skin to appear. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.



CoolSculpting® is a cosmetic procedure that safely freezes away fat from targeted problem areas along the body by a process called cryolipolysis. This treatment targets fat on the legs, arms, stomach, back, flanks and even under the chin. CoolSculpting® is non-invasive and requires no downtime.



DermiTight can tighten, lift, resurface, rejuvenate, and regenerate practically any area on the skin and compliments most other cosmetic procedures and injectables. No blood, no scalpels, no cutting, no stitches, no scars and no pain. Patients will have only a few hours of swelling and redness. Usually 5 sessions are needed.



Botox temporarily blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles.  Getting Botox is quick and causes minimal pain. Dermal filler injections help temporarily fill fine lines and wrinkles and also add volume to the face in desired areas such as cheeks and lips. 


Injectables & Fillers

Botox temporarily blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles.  Getting Botox is quick and causes minimal pain. Dermal filler injections help temporarily fill fine lines and wrinkles and also add volume to the face in desired areas such as cheeks and lips. 



Lasers are a great alternative to invasive surgical procedures with less cost, pain, downtime, and medical risks. Non-ablative lasers can target hair, spider veins, sun spots, birthmarks, irregular skin pigmentation, and unwanted tattoos. Ablative lasers are more invasive but can produce impressive skin rejuvenation and collagen production.



Non-invasive and almost pain-free procedure where a pen-like device is used to poke very tiny needles through the skin to stimulate your own natural collagen production. The skin plumps and thickens in response to the stimulus, reducing the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and fine lines.

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Microneedling RF (Secret RF)

Secret RF can tighten, lift, resurface, rejuvenate, and regenerate practically any area on the skin and compliments most other cosmetic procedures and injectables. No blood, no scalpels, no cutting, no stitches, no scars and little to no pain. Patients will have only a few hours of swelling and redness. Usually 3 sessions are needed.



This procedure is similar to a medical grade facial. When you receive a facial, the molecules applied to your skin (hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins, etc.) are too large to effectively reach the dermis of your skin where collagen is built. This procedure allows medical grade serums to transfuse into your skin to boost collagen and fix trouble areas without the pain of needles.


The "O" Shot

Aging occurs throughout our body.  It is very common to have some sexual dissatisfaction as women age, particularly after childbirth or around menopause.  Our vaginal tissues can atrophy (or become thin), we lose lubrication, and sensation decreases.  Using the O shot (platelet rich plasma), we can stimulate your vaginal tissues to rebuild to rejuvenate your sex life.


PDO Threads

Novathreads are hypodermic needles preloaded with a synthetic PDO absorbable suture. Strategically placed threads to cause an instant lift to unwanted sagging skin on the face and neck region. The sutures dissolve in 4-6 months; however, the results last upwards of years. The sutures under the skin create a stimulatory response which produces collagen.


Plasma Pen

Plasma Pen can tighten, lift, resurface, rejuvenate, and regenerate practically any area on the skin and compliments most other cosmetic procedures and injectables. No blood, no scalpels, no cutting, no stitches, no scars and little to no pain. Patients should plan on 5 to 10 days down time.


PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma uses your own body’s natural restoration process reduce signs of aging and alopecia, or hair loss.  Using your own platelets, a simple and quick series of injections can be used to restore youth to your skin and hair.  Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial or Hair Restoration treatments.


Semaglutide (Ozempic)

Our staff will help start you on your weight loss journey. Semaglutide, which is commercially known as Ozempic, is a weight loss injection that helps control hunger and cravings. When combined with lifestyle factors, it can lead up to 20-30% reduction in body fat with long-lasting results.



Sclerotherapy involved injected a solution directly into superficial veins. The sclerotherapy solutions causes the vein to scar close and collapse. The collapsed vein is resorbed into local tissue and its appearance fades over a few weeks. The needle used is very small and injected superficially, meaning the patient experiences very little to no pain.


Teeth Whitening

We offer in-office professional grade teeth whitening. Looking to improve your smile in a matter of minutes? Our in-office teeth whitening uses medical grade carbamic peroxide along with the blast whitening light to lighten your teeth up to 5 shades in 30 minutes. We also have special protocol for sensitivity.

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